The Mind, the Unconscious and Inspiration

The unconscious mind plays an important role in the creative process. If we can increase our awareness of conditions that encourage unconscious processes we can foster them and potentially increase our creative ability.

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Boost Your Creativity

There are things we can do to reignite or boost our own creativity. One of the things we can do is to consider and practice the commonalities of behaviour and thought processes of what they call ‘highly creative’ people.

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Divergent and Convergent Thinking

Creativity researchers say that there are two distinct modes of thinking that are used during the creative process. It is believed that recognising these, what they are useful for and the ability to switch easily between them will help in the creative process.

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Reading List

This is a rather long reading list. It contains works from the fields of psychology, business, neuroscience, self-help, education and the arts. Where articles are available I have included links. Some of the books I borrowed from nearby council libraries. In these cases I have included the call numbers.

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