
A fun session of party-game style activities that enhance creativity.
Thinking up weird and wacky stuff is encouraged!



Creativity is more than art. It’s also necessary part of our lives – helping us to make decisions both personal and global, large and small. Yet creativity is not taught directly in our education systems. Creativity Games starts to fill this gap.

Creativity Games is NOT an art class. It’s about developing your creative thinking skills. Creative thinking can be used in all aspects of life.



Creativity Games is family friendly and have been designed for the general public. No artistic ability is required.

The games are NOT COMPETITIVE.

They are not about being faster, stronger or better.


Creativity Games includes word games, making special lists, thinking of strange uses for everyday objects, making random associations and much more.

You will be expected to share your answers.

Dr Richard Caladine will provide a brief introduction and guide you through the games.

There will be information to take home so your creativity can continue to grow.

Guiding Principles

  • We are all creative.
  • Creative thinking is the foundation of creative expression.
  • Creative thinking can be taught and learnt.
  • Creativity is needed to solve problems, large and small.
  • When we fully express our creativity, well-being and happiness increase.